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Can Stem Cell Therapy Help Fight Cancer?

Cancer touches so many lives across the world. In all its forms, it is one of the leading causes of death globally. It is highly likely that anybody reading this has been affected by cancer – either as a sufferer, or through knowing someone close who has been struck down by this horrible disease.

There are an estimated 1.9 million new cases of cancer in the United States each year, and more than 600,000 deaths caused by it.

As a result, there is considerable interest in the potential of stem cell therapy for cancer sufferers as a way of fighting back against the effects of the disease.

Our experience at the Stemwell Clinic shows us there are ways in which stem cell therapy for cancer can represent a positive form of treatment for people with certain types of cancer.

healthy couple

Potential Uses of Stem Cell Therapy For Cancer

Stem cells’ regenerative qualities mean they offer a compelling option for people with a wide range of serious conditions. This applies to particular forms of cancer.

Stem cell treatment can lead to the regeneration of healthy tissue to replace cells that have been damaged by blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma. The stem cells can work directly against cancerous cells in your body, which improves the chances of success for the treatment.

In other instances, stem cell therapy for cancer can be used in conjunction with other forms of treatment such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Once these have had an effect on the cancerous cells, the application of stem cells encourages the body to produce new healthy tissue.

Stem cells are the body’s building blocks, undifferentiated cells that can develop into various forms of tissue including bone, muscle and blood vessels. The stem cells we use at the Stemwell Clinic are harvested from the umbilical cord tissue of healthy, full-term volunteers.

When applied to the body, either intravenously or to the site of an issue, they can aid in the regeneration of healthy tissue, and thus support healing and the improvement in a sufferer’s quality of life.

The regenerative quality of stem cells means there will always be a high level of interest among researchers and medical professionals in their potential to work against the effects of a disease as widespread and harmful as cancer.

Find Out More About Stem Cell Therapy For Cancer

Stemwell's team of doctors, medicine specialists, and general practitioners

At the Stemwell Clinic, our team of trained physicians are ready to speak to you if you want to know more about the potential of our treatments, and particularly stem cell therapy for cancer.

We can guide you through everything you want to know about stem cell therapy and, if you decide to proceed, will draw up a bespoke healthcare plan tailored specifically to your needs and situation.

The first step is for you to make contact with us for an initial conversation – please feel free to call us today.

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Maria Alejandra Ortiz Vidal