Stem Cell Therapy for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Lung Disease

Stem cell therapy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has great promise. COPD stem cell therapies support slowing and regenerating lung tissue. Our numerous, robust, and youthful stem cells have the ability to support healing and repairing injured tissue, such as those found in a those with damaged lungs.

Stem cell therapy for COPD is fraught with controversy. While PRP (plasma rich platelets) cell treatment is legal in the United States, treatments without cell manipulation may be less successful long term.

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The Condition

What is COPD?

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a long-term inflammatory disease that causes air to be trapped in the lungs. It is typically caused by long-term exposure to irritating gases such as cigarette smoke.

As the disease progresses, air flow problems and breathing worsens. Individuals with COPD may be at increased risk for other chronic inflammatory diseases, heart disease, lung cancer, etc.

COPD symptoms can vary, but in general may include:

  • Wheezing
  • Shortness of breath (dyspnea)
  • Cough
  • Mucus (sputum) production
  • Fatigue
  • Frequent respiratory infections

People with COPD are also more likely to have exacerbations, which are episodes in which their symptoms worsen and last for several days.

Stem Cells and COPD?

How does stem cell treatment for COPD work?

Adult stem cells can be thought of as “signaling molecules” that live inside our bodies and take care of minor bumps and bruises. On a daily basis, their job is to support the body’s healing and repair by supporting tissue regeneration. If you cut your finger, these cells will signal to support wound healing.

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) derived from umbilical cords, create the most potent stem cell treatment ready for implantation. This is the best alternative to support cellular repair to damaged lung tissue found in COPD patients.

Shortly after implantation, patients quality of life improve because MSCs:

  • Support improved breathing,
  • Support increased energy and stamina, and
  • Support improved lung tissue health with less frequent bronchial infections
man with inhaler
How Effective Stem Cells are

Stem Cell therapy for COPD and Pulmonary Emphysema

Stem cell therapy for COPD, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, improves breathing, restores blood flow to the lungs, and supports damaged tissue healing and repair.

Stem cell therapy is a minimally invasive, outpatient procedure with little to no recovery or down time.

Before stem cell therapy is performed, the prospective patient must be evaluated by Stemwell’s medical team to determine if they are a candidate to be invited for treatment. Before proceeding with stem cell treatment for COPD, Stemwell’s doctors review the patient’s entire history, current lab results, and once in Bogota, a physical exam is completed.

The entire procedure takes three to five days in a clinical outpatient setting and requires little to no down time.

What is Pulmonary Emphysema?

Pulmonary Emphysema

Emphysema, a form of COPD, is a long-term, progressive lung disease with symptoms including frequent coughing or wheezing, shortness of breath, especially with activity, mucus production, etc. With emphysema, the alveoli are damaged, causing them to eventually rupture. This creates one large air space instead of many small ones and reduces the available area for gas exchange. Because blood oxygenates inside the alveoli, the amount of oxygen that reaches the bloodstream is reduced.

COPD symptoms frequently do not appear until significant lung damage has occurred, and they typically worsen over time, especially if the patient is a smoker.

What is the prognosis and life expectancy for a person with COPD?

People with mild COPD (stage 1) have a good prognosis and may have a relatively normal life expectancy, but this decreases as disease severity increases.

– People with COPD who are admitted to an ICU may have up to a 24% mortality rate, which can double for people 65 years and older.

– A COPD patient who receives a lung transplant has a median survival of 5.2 years, provided that there are no further complications.


Frequently asked questions around using stem cell therapy for COPD

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Stem cells have the potential to regenerate or repair damaged lung tissues and improve symptoms of COPD or lung disease. Stem cells are explored for their abilities in:

  • reducing inflammation 
  • modulating the immune response 
  • secreting growth factors that may aid tissue repair.

The stem cells may integrate into lung tissues helping to restore functions and improve symptoms. 

While some studies show promising results in improving the symptoms of people with COPD and lung disease, stem cell therapy is not considered a cure for the condition. More research is needed to determine the effectiveness of stem cell therapy for COPD and lung disease.

At Stemwell, we use mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) for the treatment of COPD or lung disease. MSC are a type of stem cell which are ‘undifferentiated’, meaning they have the ability to develop into the crucial specialized cells that the body needs to repair. For example, they may be able to turn into lung tissues and support the healthy regeneration of this area. MSC’s have been studied for their potential use in lung disease, including COPD, but more research is needed in this area. 

Stem cell therapy for COPD and lung disease is still considered an experimental approach. More studies are needed to understand the safety and effectiveness of the procedure. So far, research on stem cell therapy for COPD using mesenchymal stem cells show minimal risks. However, every individual is different and there may be potential for adverse reactions and infections. Before going through with any procedure, it’s essential to discuss these risks with a credible health professional.

The price of stem cell therapy greatly depends on many personal factors. At Stemwell, we undertake an extensive consultation with each individual to get an understanding of your goals and develop a tailored plan to suit your needs. From here we will be able to advise on overall costs. Schedule a free consultation today. 

Some studies have found that stem cell therapy can help to improve symptoms of lung diseases such as COPD. However, there isn’t enough evidence on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy to draw accurate conclusions. More rigorous clinical trials are needed to determine the efficacy and safety of stem cell therapy for COPD.