Pros and Cons of Embryonic Stem Cells for Diabetes Treatment

More than 37million residents of the United States are suffering from diabetes, which is over 11 per cent of the population. That makes diabetes a major medical issue for Americans, as it is for people from countries across the world.

Extensive research suggests that it is possible to use stem cell treatment to support tissue regeneration, encourage the growth of new blood vessels, and normalize the distribution, and production, of insulin.

Diabetes is a serious condition because it leaves your body unable to regulate the level of glucose in the blood. That can in turn lead to the threat of heart disease, stroke, or kidney failure.

There are two varieties of diabetes. Type One is an auto-immune condition, in which the pancreas produces little to no insulin. Insulin is a vital hormone because it helps the body to regulate its blood sugar levels.

In patients with Type Two diabetes, the much more common variety of the condition, their bodies do not respond to the insulin produced, so the level of blood sugar rises to unhealthy levels.

patient at the clinic

How Stem Cell Treatment Can Help Patients With Diabetes

An elderly couple embracing each other after deciding to undergo stem cell treatment

Stem cells can support the regeneration of tissue in the body, including the growth of new blood cells and pancreatic tissue. In this way, the production and delivery of insulin can be regularized.

Stem cells are blank cells that have not had a purpose assigned to them yet. They can be used to generate healthy tissue, support the auto-immune system, and improve a patient’s quality of life.

At the Stemwell Clinic, we harvest umbilical stem cells from healthy volunteer donors. Let’s look at how the application of those embryonic stem cells has advantages and disadvantages for diabetes sufferers compared to conventional treatment methods:

Pro: It’s a curative treatment
Usually, medical experts use insulin and medicines to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. This is a way of managing diabetes, and ultimately patients can become dependent on insulin. Stem cell therapy aims to rejuvenate the tissue in the pancreas, so that it can produce insulin naturally.

Pro: No side-effects
Some patients with diabetes report symptoms including stomach upsets, weight gain, fatigue, and skin rashes as a side-effect of taking insulin. The fact that stem cells are naturally occurring and can regenerate tissue in the pancreas and other areas means there should be no side-effects.

Pro: Long-term benefits
Diabetic patients have to take insulin, and possibly other medication, on a daily basis to control their condition. Because this is a management technique, there is no possibility of their diabetes going away. If stem cell therapy is successful in regenerating healthy tissue, no long-term dependency results.

Con: Inconvenience
If you have to take insulin to manage your diabetes, this is done on a daily basis. You can inject yourself wherever you are, and it becomes part of your routine. Stem cell therapy is carried out by specialists, such as our team at the Stemwell Clinic, and you will need to travel to a dedicated unit for treatment.

Contact us Now to Talk About Stem Cell Treatment for Diabetes

regenerative medicine clinic

Every diabetes sufferer is an individual, which is why the treatment plans we draw up at the Stemwell Clinic are personalized. Your can contact us to find out more about stem cell therapy, and how it might be a good option in your circumstances.

If you’re ready to start your journey towards an improved quality of life, apply today to check your eligibility for stem cell therapy. Once you apply, we will come back within 48 hours with a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to your requirements to help you achieve your goals.

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This article was authored by:
Juliana Bonilla Pabón
Dr. Juliana Bonilla is a specialist in sports medicine and physical activity. She has extensive experience in regenerative medicine, treatment of muscle injuries, management of osteoarticular pathologies, and exercise prescription. Her patient-centered approach is evidenced by the development of personalized treatment plans and the use of advanced diagnostic tools to ensure the best possible outcomes. Dr. Bonilla has a remarkable ability to apply stem cells and treat injury areas with regenerative medicine, promoting optimal healing and effective recovery for her patients. Her deep knowledge and dedication have made her an expert in the treatment of chronic pathologies, helping both athletes and the general population to achieve optimal levels of health, performance, and recovery.
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