How Long Does It Take For Stem Cell Therapy to Work?

When you decide to undergo stem cell treatment, it’s natural that you want to know how quickly it will take effect. If you are suffering from long-term pain or an injury, you may be eager for an improvement in your condition and quality of life. 

So, how long does it take for stem cell therapy to work? 

Ultimately, just as every treatment we deliver as Stemwell is tailored to each patient, the speed at which the therapy works will vary from person to person. How quickly your body responds to stem cell therapy will depend on lots of individual factors such as:

  • the type and severity of condition you have
  • your overall health 
  • how your body responds to treatment.

nurse with man with spinal injury in wheelchair

The nature of stem cell therapy

stemwell clinic team carrying out treatment

Stem cell therapy involves using stem cells to repair or regenerate damaged cells in the body. 

Stem cells are undifferentiated and can specialize into whatever cells the body needs. During therapy, stem cells are injected into a damaged area and the cells can develop into the certain tissues needed to help the healing of that region. These specialized cells then multiply and stimulate the body’s natural healing processes to continue regenerating the site of the injury or disease. 

A typical timeline for stem cell therapy

While it’s difficult to pinpoint an exact timeline for stem cell therapy’s effectiveness due to the variability in individual cases, here is a general guideline based on patient experiences and clinical studies: 

  • Short-term response: some patients might notice an improvement in symptoms within a few weeks after receiving therapy. This initial phase often involves a reduction in inflammation and pain. 
  • Medium-term response: over the next few months, patients may begin to see more substantial changes as stem cells continue to facilitate healing and regeneration. Improvement in functional capabilities and a decrease in symptoms are often reported during this period, with the most potent results being seen between three and six months after treatment.
  • Long-term response: the full benefits of stem cell therapy may take six months to a year to be seen, especially for more severe or chronic conditions. Continued improvements can occur for up to two years post-treatment, depending on the body’s response to therapy.

Aftercare to support the recovery timeline

After stem cell therapy, there are a number of things you can do to promote healing and support your recovery while you are waiting for results. 

  • Rest and activity: it’s important to rest when necessary, but try to avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Listen to your body and balance rest with light activity such as walking. You can gradually increase physical activity over time.  
  • Medication: avoid anti-inflammatory medications for a minimum of six weeks after the procedure and make sure to follow your prescribed medication regime to prevent infection and manage possible side effects. 
  • Physical therapy: perform any exercises recommended by your doctor to help promote the healing and strengthening of targeted areas. 
  • Follow-up care: make sure to attend all scheduled follow-up appointments to monitor progress and address any concerns.  

During the recovery period, it’s important to contact your healthcare provider if you experience any unexpected symptoms. 

Learn more about stem cell treatments today

Carlos Guerrero Silva

Behind our treatment is a team of expert clinicians dedicated to making a difference to your quality of life. Stem cell therapy offers the possibility to improve a wide range of injuries and conditions – and those benefits can often last for a significant length of time.  

If you would like to learn more about stem cell therapy you can contact us with any questions, or apply today to check your eligibility.

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This article was authored by:
Juliana Bonilla Pabón
Dr. Juliana Bonilla is a specialist in sports medicine and physical activity. She has extensive experience in regenerative medicine, treatment of muscle injuries, management of osteoarticular pathologies, and exercise prescription. Her patient-centered approach is evidenced by the development of personalized treatment plans and the use of advanced diagnostic tools to ensure the best possible outcomes. Dr. Bonilla has a remarkable ability to apply stem cells and treat injury areas with regenerative medicine, promoting optimal healing and effective recovery for her patients. Her deep knowledge and dedication have made her an expert in the treatment of chronic pathologies, helping both athletes and the general population to achieve optimal levels of health, performance, and recovery.
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