A torn meniscus can be a painful and frustrating injury. The meniscus is a layer of cartilage that is found in the knee, and it acts as a shock absorber between the bones of the thigh and lower leg.
Meniscus injuries are often suffered by athletes and other active men and women. The meniscus can be torn by a sudden impact, or through gradual degradation from simple wear and tear, and even less sporty individuals can suffer from this condition.
There are actually two menisci in each knee, and a torn meniscus is one of the most common knee injuries. It has been estimated that up to a million people in the United States suffer from a torn meniscus each year.
In some circumstances, stem cell therapy for meniscus tear has the potential to support healing, decrease inflammation and improve the quality of life of the patient concerned.

Does Stem Cell Therapy Work for Torn Meniscus?
There are many ways of treating a torn meniscus. If the tear is not major, it is possible to encourage healing with physical therapy, elevation, and even the application of ice.
Strengthening the muscles around the knee through exercise can also make the joint stronger and reduce the load the meniscus is expected to carry.
Surgery may be an option for minor tears, but this is an invasive procedure and the recovery time can be long – perhaps as much as six months.
In certain circumstances, stem cell therapy for a torn meniscus may be the most promising option for a patient. Stem cell treatment is non-invasive, and the regenerative properties of stem cells means healthy tissue can develop to replace the torn tissue.
However, stem cell therapy for a torn meniscus is unlikely to be a viable option if the meniscus has been severely damaged, or even removed. And even a successful course of stem cell treatment will not reverse the issue that led to the meniscus to tear in the first place.
Stem cell therapy for a meniscus tear relies upon the regenerative qualities of stem cells. These are blank, or undifferentiated, cells that can develop as healthy tissue wherever the body requires it.
At the Stemwell Clinic, we use stem cells derived from the umbilical cord tissue of healthy, full-term, volunteer donors. They can be introduced to the patient intravenously, or via targeted injection into the affected area. The stem cells can then go to work regenerating healthy tissue and supporting healing of a torn meniscus.
Contact Stemwell Today to Learn More
The knee is a complicated joint – and the process of treating a problem there can be equally involved. If you want to find out more about stem cell therapy for a meniscus tear, speak to our dedicated and trained team.
If you would like to learn more about stem cell therapy you can contact us with any questions, or apply today to check your eligibility